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It's Been A Long Road

Writer: Pastor JaredPastor Jared

When we started working our way through Ephesians, I mentioned that it will take us until July after which we will break for the month of August and then hit the book of Judges in the Fall. I also mentioned that in January 2026 we will get into one of the four Gospels, but which one was still up for discussion. So, I asked for your suggestions. (Actually, I think I asked for bribes but have yet to see any, so we'll just say that I asked for suggestions.)

The preferences came very quickly -- the Gospel of John is the leader so far by quite some margin -- but the polls are not yet closed so get your votes in quickly. (They close at the end of April, by the way, that's when I want to start preparing for 2026)

This appeal for suggestions brought about some very interesting conversations which I was not expecting. I have had a number of people say something like this to me -- "I would love for you to preach on the book of _____." Followed by me saying something like this to them -- "I've already done a series on that book." Which, thus, came as a surprise to them.

This got me thinking about where we have come since our inception. I often forget how much our church has grown in the past 9+ years. From August 2016 until now we have moved from a group of around 35 to a group well past 4 times that. We have covered a lot of biblical ground in that time. Which means that many of my earlier sermon series have been missed by many of you.

But praise the Lord for technology! On our website you can go back and find all of the sermons that have been preached at CRC. To access them just go to our website and click on the "Watch Sermon" tab right in the middle of the main page, or head over to our YouTube channel, or just click the tab below. We've even added a podcast (called Here I Sit) to the list of teaching ministries.

Let me give you a small sampling of what I've preached and taught which you will find in our archives:

From the Old Testament:

  • Daniel

  • Ecclesiastes

  • Jonah

  • The Life of David

From the New Testament:

  • The Sermon on the Mount

  • James

  • Romans

  • Galatians (This was our very first sermon series!)

You will also find expositional sermons on the following topics:

  • The biblical nature of the church

  • Biblical leadership

  • Biblical marriage

You can also find all of our past CLD classes there as well.

  • Take Up and Read -- A lesson in reading our Bible

  • Everyone's a Theologian -- An overview of theology (This was our very first CLD)

  • Born This Way? -- An examination of modern gender theory

I hope these teaching series, and any others you listen to from our past, will encourage and challenge you as they did us throughout our growth as a church. I can't wait to preach whatever Gospel we decide to work through in 2026. I also can't wait to see where God will take us beyond that.

Praise God for his faithfulness!

Soli Deo Gloria

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